The bottom rung of our food pyramid is PELLET.
We recommend providing 55% of the dietary needs with pellet. Pellets are important to a parrot's diet because they provide supplementation for proteins, vitamins, etc. that a parrot would naturally find in their wild diet. This portion of the diet is also the staple because it can sit in the bowl for the day without growing bacteria, etc. But keep this in mind, not all pellet is equal! When transitioning a parrot from a seed diet to pellet, it is often easiest to start with the colored pellet which is often fruit flavored. This pellet is better than seed but is also high in sugar content and includes artificial coloring. When your parrot is no longer eating seed and is eating fruit pellet for 3-4 months, you may start the transition to a "natural" pellet. These pellets are generally brown/tan in color. Again, not all pellets are the same.